I recently scrapped a 1996 “N” reg Land Rover Discovery TDi300.
Before it went to meet its maker, I pulled off a whole range of useful looking bits which are listed here, and I’m open to any sensible offer for any of these bits.
Any questions, pls get in touch.
Rear seats
Standard Discovery 1 split folding rear seats, grey leather, ready to bolt in place. Neither us nor the previous owner had kids so teh rear seats spent most of the time folded and are in a very good condition. Photo to follow.
Jack and Chock
Original D1 bottle jack complete with two-part cranking lever and wheel chock.
Note – havn’t had chance to test the jack, I’ve never used it (luckily the only time I had a puncture I was at home and could use my trolly jack!!) but will do so when I get a spare moment.
Load cover including Support Pillars.
This is the standard “roller-blind” load cover, it’s gained a slight crease from being rolled up crooked but still works. Grey to match the seats and carpets of course! Also included are the two pillars that support the cover and the self-tappers that held it in place. Should fit any D1 if it already had a cover now missing, or if it never had one, the only trick in the latter case is to find the right spot to screw the pillars on to the side trim.
#1 by Ken L Rowe on January 19, 2012 - 4:20 pm
Hi there . Im after the Jack and Handle.
Is it still available ??
How much ?
And where are you located ??
#2 by gary wellington on April 13, 2012 - 7:58 pm
I need a load cover if its still available please and what price?
thanks Gary
#3 by cdc on April 30, 2012 - 1:29 pm
Sorry, Gary, the load cover is gone.
(Sorry I didn’t spot this earlier too!)